Mercury Analyzer


Mercury Analyzer

Digunakan untuk penentuan kuantitatif merkuri dalam dalam sampel berwujud cair dan sampel yang dapat dicerna, contoh sampel sbb :

  • Sampel air: air minum, air limbah, air tanah, air permukaan, air laut
  • Sampel tanah dan lumpur
  • Bahan sampel geologi
  • Sampel limbah: kaca, gemuruh konstruksi, cairan yang terkontaminasi, kayu
  • Pemantauan pabrik insinerasi: air scrubber gas asap, analisis gas asap (misalnya ke VDI 3868-2 VE)
  • Pemantauan bahan makanan
  • Sampel klinis: urin, air liur


Measuring principle UV-Absorption
Wavelength 254 nm
UV source electrodeless low-pressure mercury lamp (EDL), temperature-controlled
UV detectors Silicon, UV-enhanced, temperature controlled
Stabilization method Double beam (reference beam) method
Optical cell Fused silica (Suprasil), approx. 23 cm long
Optical cell heating approx. 70°C
Measuring range lowest range: 0…1 µg/L
highest range: 0…100 mg/l
Pump long-life membrane pump
Air stream 30 l/h, adjustable
Measuring range 0.01 µg/l … 10 µg/l (10 ppt … 10 ppb) for 10 ml
Sensitivity 5 ng/l or 0.05 ng
Sample volume 2 … 10 ml
Reducing agent tin-II-chloride or sodiumborohydride
Display of readings Graphic LCD with background illumination
Outputs analogue 4-20 mA, USB / RS 232 computer output, parallel Centronics printer output
Power Supply 230 VAC/ 50-60 Hz (optional 115 VAC / 50-60Hz)
Power consumption 35 W
Dimensions 45 x 15 x 35 cm (Wx H x D) photometer section
24 x 48 x 27 cm (Wx H x D) reaction bottle section
Required floor space approx. 70 x 50 cm (W x D)
Weight approx. 10 kg